Council Structure

Full Council

Full Council is responsible for all the business of the Town Council. Although some work is delegated to Committees, full Council agendas include anything from receipt of minutes from Committees and the setting of the annual budget to the signing off of the Annual Return. Full Council meets monthly, on the second Wednesday of the month.
The terms of reference can be found here.

Planning Committee

The Planning Committee reviews local planning applications and provides Town Council comment to Huntingdonshire D C, the Planning Authority.

The Committee also deals with items related to footpaths and rights of way, mineral waste plans, district development plans and the area flood forum.
The terms of reference can be found here

Finance and Policy


The Finance and Policy Committee has been created to act on the Council's behalf on matters relating to finances, strategy, policy and corporate governance of the Council.

Resilience Committee


Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee deals with any issues related to staffing including appointments, appraisal and training.
The terms of reference can be found here

Annual Town Meeting

The Annual Town Meeting can discuss and resolve anything that the electors feel is important.
Click here for a more detailed explanation

Norris Management Trust Group

The Norris Management Trust Group is concerned with all aspects of the upkeep and running of the Norris Museum.

The Committee was re-configured in May 2013 and now has 8 Members, along with 3 Friends of the Norris Museum.

The Committee meets quarterly.

The terms of reference can be found here