Events and News

Langley Bread 2025

The annual St Ives tradition of the Langley Bread distribution will be upheld on Wednesday 8th January 2025, at St Ives Corn Exchange. Up to 130 grocery bags comprising bread, butter, jam , teabags, sugar and biscuits will be distributed.

Those wishing to take part should be in the Charter Hall of the Corn Exchange by 10.00am. Eligible recipients are widows and widowers who are on the Electoral Register for St Ives.

The origins of this cherished, centuries old tradition will be explained briefly by the Mayor, Councillor Hussain after which the distribution will take place.

In 1656 Robert Langley, a prominent and philanthropic St Ives man, left money in his Will so that 40 Shillings could be distributed each year on a day in January to the poor widows and fatherless children of St Ives.

After 1860 parcels of bread instead of money were distributed and to widowers as well as to widows. Since 1990 the parcels of bread were replaced by a grocery bag of bread, butter, jam, teabags, sugar; in 2005 biscuits were added.

The bags will be handed to widows and widowers attending the event but also to relatives and friends of qualifying residents who are unable to attend in person.

The event is organised by the St Ives United Charities Trust. The United Charities also provide the money for the Bibles at the annual Bible Diceing ceremony that is held in the Parish Church on the first Tuesday of Whitsuntide.

Robert Langley also left money in his Will for the bell ringers of the Parish Church to ring a peel of bells each year in January. Legend has it that he became lost in a snowstorm one day on Hemingford Meadow, while walking to St Ives. He heard the bells of the Parish Church and they guided him to safety.

Cambridgeshire Libraries Brochure

The Library Presents are delighted to announce the launch of their new season of exciting arts events which will run from October to December 2024. The season will bring workshops and performances to locations across Cambridgeshire.

Full details of the program, along with booking information can also be found at
If you would like to receive a hard copy of the brochure, please email:

PDF Link: Cambridgeshire Libraries Brochure 

Twitter: @cambslib
Facebook: Cambridgeshire Libraries 


Best regards,

The Library Presents Team 



Civic Sunday Parade

The Mayor of St Ives, Cllr Pasco Hussain led the members of the Town Council in the Parade, accompanied by The Deputy Lieutenant Mrs Susan Freestone OBE, The High Sheriff of Cambridgeshire, Mr David Way, and Cllr Sebastian Kindersley The Chair of Cambridge County Council.

Many Mayors from the surrounding towns and villages joined us in the Parish Church for a service led by Father Mark Amey. Also marching were the Royal British Legion, St Ives Army Cadets, 2331 (St Ives) Air Training Corps and St John Ambulance. 

Unfortunately, we were very sad to hear that the 42 Engineer Regiment (Geographic) were unable to attend the parade at the last moment. We are very grateful to SI Lee Thompson, from St Ives Detachment of the Cambs Army Cadet Force, who stepped in at the last minute to lead the Parade, in front of the Cambridgeshire ACF Corps of Drums. 

More Photos on Facebook: Civic Sunday Parade The Mayor of St Ives,... - St Ives Town Council | Facebook



Mayor Opens New Cakery

The Mayor of St Ives, Cllr Pasco Hussain, had the pleasure to open FIFI’S CAKERY on Friday 19th July.

You will find Fifi’s new shop on 9 The Broadway, St Ives.


Citizens Advice Drop-in Service

Citizens Advice Rural Cambs


Drop-in outreach service
St Ives Library

9:30am – 12 noon


 PDF: Citizens Advice Drop-In Poster

Community Spaces in St Ives

Community Spaces in St Ives
  Address Information Activities Phone No Email address Website
Ivy Leaf Club 23 The Broadway. PE27 5BX Monday to Friday from 11am to 2.30pm, 6 to 11pm. Saturday from 11am to 12am. Sunday from 12noon to 10.30pm Free tea, coffee, biscuits. TV and a friendly chat during opening hours 01480 464431
Library 4 Library Row, Station Road. PE27 5BW Opening hours from 9.30am (and 10am on Sunday) and additional Open+ access hours Regular activities include: EngAge in the afternoon, Rhymetime, Lego club, concessionary bus pass help and more 0345 045 5225
One Leisure Indoor Centre Café Westwood Road. PE27 6WU Monday to Thursday from 10am to 5.30pm. Fridays and Saturdays from 10am to 7pm. Sundays from 10am to 4pm   01480 388111  
U3A (University of the Third Age)     Monthly meeting for members at the Corn Exchange - for details of how to join and upcoming meetings and venues please see the website
St Ives Dementia Friendly Community Group+A8:G8     Regular activities include: Dementia Café, Friendship Lunches, Love to Move, Reminiscising Sessions, Memory Lane Singing Café, Riverport Singers, Games Session and Carers Group.
Contact the Chair, Roger for more information.
07796 783521  
Friendship Group at The Golden Lion Hotel Market Hill. PE27 5AL Every Monday from 10.30am to 12noon A get together with tea and coffee for those bereaved (but can a bring a friend!) 01480 300726  
Creative Café at the Norris Museum with Arts and Minds  41 The Broadway. PE27 5BX Second Monday of the month from 10.30am to 12.30pm Informal, friendly, creative drop-in café with refreshments and materials provided 01480 497314
St Ives Child and Family Zone  Broad Leas Centre. PE27 5QB Second Monday of the month from 10am to 12noon Young families drop in with social prescribers  
Pop-up Cafe at the Foodbank   All Saints Parish Church. Church St. PE27 6DG Tuesdays from 10am to 12noon Open to everyone - hot drinks and chats
Chatty café at the Commute Café 33 The Broadway. PE27 5BX Tuesdays from 10am to 12noon Chatter & Natter table - come along for a chat and a cuppa.
Warm Welcome at Burleigh Hill Community Centre Constable Rd. PE27 3ER Wednesdays from 10am to 2pm Warm Welcome with free tea, coffee and biscuits with local community information. 01480 388929  
Sacred Heart Church 19 Needingworth Rd. PE27 5JT Wednesdays from 10.30am to 12noon
(starting in January 2024, provided no funeral)
Free tea, coffee and biscuits  07510 443036  
Tots and Carers at the Free Church Market Hill. PE27 5AD Wednesdays from 10am to 11.30am   01480 468535  
Reminiscence Group at the Norris Museum  41 The Broadway. PE27 5BX First and Third Wednesday of the month from 10.30am to 11.30am Support group for those who live with dementia and their carers. Small cost. Booking required. 01480 497314
Senior Citizens Club at the Free Church Market Hill. PE27 5AD Wednesdays from 2 to 4pm Entertainment, quizzes and social get-together. £2 entry. 01480 468535  
Methodist Church 4 The Waits. PE27 5BY Thursdays from 10am to 12noon "Coffee On The Waits" with cake and biscuits - no charge, donations. 01480 462293
Good Mood Café faciliated by MIND Morrisons Community Space, Needingworth Road. PE27 4NB Thursdays from 10.30am to 12pm   0300 303 4363
Men's Group at the Norris Museum 41 The Broadway. PE27 5BX First and Third Thursday of the month from 1.30pm to 3pm Games, object handling, talks, making items and more 01480 497314
Cambridgeshire Older People's Enterprise (COPE) at The Corn Exchange The Pavement. PE27 5AD 3rd Thursday of the month from 2 to 4pm Talks, tea and coffee and a chat. £2 per session. 01480 300726  
St Ives Darby and Joan Club at The Corn Exchange The Pavement. PE27 5AD Last Thursday of the month (except December) from 2 to 4pm Friendly get together for entertainment with tea and biscuits. 01480 495745    
The Bridge Church 2 Burrel Road. PE27 3LE Fridays from 10.15am to 12.30pm Free tea, coffee and cake with people to talk to and cards and board games 01480 498801
Pop-up Cafe at the Foodbank   All Saints Parish Church. Church St. PE27 6DG Fridays from 10am to 12noon Open to everyone - hot drinks and chats

Feel Good Fridays at the Norris Museum 

41 The Broadway. PE27 5BX Fourth Friday of the month from 10.30am to 12noon Try something new in a friendly, supportive setting. 01480 497314
St Ives Armed Forces Community Drop InIvy Leaf Club, 23 The Broadway. PE27 5BXThird Friday of the month from 11.30am to 1.30pm. Free tea, coffee and biscuits. 07982 260971 (Alan) 

Download Link: Community Spaces in St Ives

Advisory Notice - Confirmed Case of Leptospirosis Dedham

River Stour & All Waterways
DATE: 25 May 2024 – at all times
LOCATION: Dedham and all waterways
DETAILS: Please note that at Dedham, on the River Stour Navigation, there has been a reported confirmed postive case of Leptospirosis in a youth that had been swimming in the river. This can lead onto the development of the serious illness, Weil’s Disease, in infected individuals. Whilst this risk is present in all water environments amongst others, those at risk include those partaking in activities on, in and by the water. River users should be espeically aware and take sensible precautions in a bid to reduce the risks of infection of all waterbourne illnesses whilst participating in river activities; 

BEFORE – Cover up any cuts or abrasions as infection can enter the body through the nose and mouth, but also any open wounds
DURING – Keep any open wounds covered and redress if necessary, remember to practice good hand hygiene if eating or drinking during your activity. Be concsious of your entry and exit routes to/from the river and where animals may have been present as this is the most likely source of infection
AFTER – Parctice good hygeine, shower as soon as possible if in contact with river water and always sanatise hands, especially before consuming food. If you start to feel unwell after being in contact with the river (develop more severe Cold and Flu like symptoms) speak to your healthcare professional and tell them you have recently been in conatct with river water.

For further information, contact the Environment Agency on 03708 506506 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday and ask for the Waterways team. In an emergency call our incident line: 0800 80 70 60 anytime.

Katherine Briscombe
Waterways Manager
Date of issue: 25 May 2024

PDF link: Confirmed Case of Leptospirosis 


Bus Pass Concessions

Navigation Advisory Notice


DATE: 25 April 2024 Until Rescinded
LOCATION: Between St Ives and Hemingford
Please be aware that there are two obstructions between the locations above.
W3W location for tree :///sheds.solder.ideal
W3W location for platform :///supported.fermented.bars
We will look to get these removed as soon as practical to do so but in the meantime please navigate with caution whilst in the area.

For further information, please contact the Environment Agency on 03708 506506 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday and ask for the Great Ouse Waterways team.

Katherine Briscombe
Waterways Manager
25 April 2024

PDF link: Navigation Advisory Notice - Obstructions

Emergency Support Contacts

Flag Announcement

Following a building condition report, we have been advised to that the second floor of the Town Hall is currently inaccessible and therefore the grounds maintenance team is unable to access the flag room and pole.

Therefore, the flag flying protocol cannot occur until further notice due to health and safety guidelines.

We are looking at alternative solutions; apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Matthew Price, Town Clerk

Dementia Friendly Community Group