
The Town Council has an allotment site which is located off Hill Rise, near to Old Ramsey Road.  

As of 1st April 2023 the annual rental for a full plot is £43.00 (£21.50 for a half plot). This is in accordance with the 12.0% RPI increase agreed at the Amenities Committee on 22 March 2023. 

 A £25.00 deposit is required when you take on a plot initially and this is refunded at the end of the tenancy provided that the allotment is left in good order.  

At the present time there is a waiting list for allotment plots but if you wish to be added to the waiting list please contact


The Hill Rise Allotment Association was formed back in 2008 and is active in liaising with the Town Council on all matters that affect plot holders.  If you wish to join or want more information regarding who they are and what they do the can be contacted at:



